First Post Using Dblog

Menu on the wall of my friend's caffee

I try to publish my post on for the first time, and use mobile phone (Android). It is quite weird for the first time and I should get used to type and learn features on this blogging platform. The feature is not complete as another Hive blogging platform (such as at least it is quite easy as generic Hive blogging platform.

we can use two option dark or light mode, It is quite exicited when using dark mode, but there is any difficullty when using it with tag html mode because when the color of tag is darker we can see clearly. Or this happened because I use cheap smartphone....ha...ha..!

Hmm.... that is my simple and short opinion about I try to write in good English... but... I know my capability, still need learn a lot about that.(hpx)

Oh... there is one thing, we can only use five tags...;)